The Top 10 Most Long-Lasting Rivers In The World

The world's history is shaped by rivers. Many of the earliest civilizations have sprouted up and flourished along the most important rivers on the planet. They have witnessed numerous battles, both lost and won and fallen, as well as witnessed empires rise and fall. The thousands of gallons of water that pierce through the land and flowing toward the sea make up one of Nature's most amazing creations. Here are the top ten largest rivers in the world.


Drainage area

The average discharge of a river

Nile River, North-East Africa

This is the world's longest river. It travels 4,132 miles before it reaches the Mediterranean Sea. The mouth is located in the delta of Egypt. Its water resources are shared with eleven nations, including Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt. The river runs through Sudan through the Sahara desert, and then it flows into the Mediterranean Sea. This river is the lifeblood of most Egyptians and the majority live on or near the river. The Nile has a capacity of 10 percent of the entire Africa. Nile has only two tributaries: White Nile that originates in Rwanda and Blue Nile from Ethiopia.

Amazon River, South America

Amazon is regarded as the second longest river on the planet with 3,976 miles. It's second in length longest rivers in the world and has a higher average waterflow than all seven other largest rivers. It is able to account for at least one-fifth of the total flow in the world because of its dimensions. The Amazon flows through Brazil, Peru and Bolivia and also Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia, Ecuador, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. The Amazon River is so huge and strong that it can't be crossed using the aid of a bridge. Amazon has a very powerful discharge at the mouth, which could release up to 8 trillion gallons of water every day. This river is around 150 deep!

Yangtze River, China

It is the longest river in Asia. The river flows for 3,915 miles beginning at Tibet Plateau in eastward across the southwest, central and eastern China before emptying into East China at Shanghai. It's also the largest river by volume of discharge. It is responsible for draining 1/5th of China's territory, and the river's basin is home to 1/3 of China’s population.

Mississippi Missouri Jefferson, North America

This is the main of the most extensive drainage systems in North America. It has many branches and is the fourth longest and 10th largest river in the world. The Mississippi flows mostly within the United States (98.5%) and the remainder of it in Canada (1.5 percent). It flows towards the Gulf of Mexico. It runs through the US. It begins its journey in the northwestern part of Minnesota before it gradually moves south for 2,340 mile to the Mississippi River Delta at Gulf of Mexico. The river flows through Minnesota, Lowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas.

Yenisei - Angara - Selenge, Asia

It is the largest system of rivers that flow to the Arctic Ocean. Its length is 3,445 miles. It flows mainly in Russia (97%), and the remainder of it is in Mongolia (7 7 percent). It is the most famous of the three major Siberian rivers that run into the Arctic Ocean. It is the biggest river system that flows to the Arctic Ocean. Rising in Mongolia, the river follows a northerly course to the Yenisei Gulf in Kara Sea, draining a huge part of the central Siberia, the longest stream following the Yenisei-Angara-Selenga-Ider River system.

China, Yellow River

The Yellow River is the 3rd longest river in Asia and is the world's 6th longest at an estimated length of 3,395 miles. It originates from Western China's Bayan Har Mountain. It is also known as Huang He. The river flows through nine provinces before it is drained into the Bohai Sea, near Dongying in Shandong. The basin is comprised of an east-west length of around 1,180 miles, and a north-south area of 680 miles. The basin's total size is 742442 sq km.

Ob - Irtysh, Asia

The 7th longest in the world and is located in the western part of Siberia. This river is 3,395 miles long, with a drainage area of 2,990,000 sq km and an average discharge of 12,475 cubic metres' per-second. It runs through Russia, Kazakhstan and China in addition to Mongolia. It lies 16 miles southwest from Biysk, Altai Krai, near the confluence of the Katun-Biya and Biya rivers.

Parana - Rio de la Plata, South America

It is located in south Central South America with a length of 3,030 miles. It flows in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. It's the second longest second only to the Amazon River among South American rivers. It's also among the most expansive rivers on the planet with a total area of 2,582,672 square km and an average discharge rate of 17,290 cubic meters per second.

Congo - Chambeshi, Africa

The deepest river on earth with measured depths that exceed of 220 meters (720 feet). It is the longest river in the world, with 2,920 miles, making it the 9th longest. It has a total area of 4,014,500 square kilometers. It's the third longest river in the world by the volume of water released. The Congo rainforest is the second largest forest in the world, after the Amazon Rainforest. The Congo River is a part of it, along and its numerous tributaries.

Amur - Argun, Asia

The 10th longest river in the world is the Amur River. It measures 2,763 miles in length. It is the border between Russian Far East and Northeastern China. At 994 feet, Amur rises high in the hills of Western Manchuria, at the confluence its two major affluents Shilka River or Eugene River. It flows east, forming an international border with Russia and China. Longest river slowly turns to the southeast for approximately 250 miles, passing numerous small towns and receiving many tributaries.